Abuse / DMCA Policy
As we are an internet service provider (ISP), we are open to receiving abuse reports. However, please understand that we do not operate the services directly; our primary role is to provide the internet connection and the router/hardware that supports this.
When submitting a takedown/removal request for content hosted on one of our IP addresses, please first attempt to negotiate with the third party hosting the malicious, offending, or rights-violating content. Evolus-IX is not the owner of the content hosted on our services. Most hosting parties have their own abuse contact addresses, which are usually listed on their websites or domain contact details (WHOIS). If the WHOIS information is incorrect or false, you can contact the TLD maintainer for that specific domain to suspend it. It is mandatory that contact information is correctly provided.
No Response or No Contact Details
If third parties do not respond to your abuse claims, or if no contact information is available, you can use this abuse contact form. We will take appropriate action and ensure that your abuse claim is directed to the correct person(s).
As Our Client
As a client, when hosting content that may lead to copyright issues or any other form of abuse, we will request an abuse email address where we, or individuals claiming content rights, can submit abuse complaints. If no address is provided or if there is no response, appropriate action will be taken, potentially leading to the termination of the service provided by Evolus-IX.
Takedown Tool
A takedown tool (software designed to easily remove content from a website or service) can be provided to copyright holders or authorities acting on their behalf. This is the responsibility of you, our client. A takedown tool is mandatory when providing services such as image hosting and video broadcasting, though it is not legally required.
If you (our client) have clients of your own, you are also responsible for the content that may be hosted on services (owned by Evolus-IX ) ordered by you. It is your responsibility to establish your own abuse policy for your clients.